neat-o microphone that also looks like the 'C' from 'Comms' Comms Gitlab logo

Voice chat for e-sports professionals

Prepare to be both surprised and delighted by the world's most advanced voice chat software platform. With unmatched latency, Comms is able to serve your clever witticisms and adept callouts while barely sipping your system's precious resources.

Neat features to make you smile your hardest

Peer-to-peer audio

No longer be distracted by hearing teammates in your same physical room twice (once in-person, once, later, in-headphones). Comms' minimal latency closes this delay enough that it sounds like only one soothing voice.

Minimal latency

Comms has 1/3 the latency of the leading gaming voice chat app.

Tiny overhead

For the fellow nerds out there: Comms consumes under 20MB of memory, and nibbles on the CPU as infrequently as possible.

screenshot of connect form with filled-in example values screenshot of main Comms screen with example users, including 'Jimothy'